Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our Tech Team

Each week our “Sanctionasium” is transformed into something beautiful for worship. Our team of tech wizards employs their skills in fresh creative ways using lighting, color, and beautiful graphics. Here’s a small glimpse into that process.

Chris, our Technical Director, spends hours each week sifting through pictures, color palates, and graphic art to come up with a theme for projection that complements the service theme for that week. Once he has a plan he creates a graphics progression that follows the service order. Text is added to the slides for songs, scripture, and sermon points, and he creates a color array that will be used in the service.

Gary, Lighting director, then takes that array and plots a lighting plan for the entire service, creatively using light to complement the service’s theme and elements.

During the service, Chris turns his attention to the soundboard and Sarah takes over the graphics, making sure the slide changes are timed well for Scripture, song lyrics, and Sermon notes.

Our Sanctuary is a challenging room to work in for sound and lighting and our team works hard to make it wonderful each week. They support Jeff and our Music team in ways that often can’t be seen. Two other members of our tech team, AJ and Mark, support the singers with sound help from a sound board located off stage, and enable them to hear exactly what they need in their monitors.

Please keep our worship ministry in your prayers as we plan and serve each week with the goal of helping the Body of Christ worship our great and glorious God.